Living in the southwest has its hazards, including heat, javelina, and cacti. Many Tucson dog owners are concerned about protecting their canine companions from encounters with rattlesnakes and other poisonous animals.
Rattlesnakes, though venomous, are shy and generally like sheltered spots like bushes, boulders, and forested areas. They can occassionally be found sunning themselves in the middle of a trail or suburban sidewalk, though. Most dogs are curious and like to check things out.
Keep your dog close by to avoid all the dangers that can beset a domesticated animal in the outdoors. Stay on trails and avoid walking through brush or other terrain where snakes might be hidden. Your dog should be leash trained and attentive to voice commands. If you see a snake, start backing up slowly and calmly call your dog to you. Never try to kill, move, or intimidate a rattlesnake.
If you suspect your dog has been bitten by a rattlesnake, seek medical care immediately. Home remedies like torniquets are not recommended. Always carry a nearby emergency vet's contact information with you. Many veterinarians and animal hospitals in Arizona offer rattlesnake vaccines as well as anti-venom. Even if your dog has been vaccinated, a snake bite is a veterinary emergency.
If you and your pooch love to hike and play in the mountains, consider signing up for our Camping Basics workshop. You'll learn canine first aid and how to identify poisonous snakes (unfortunately, they don't always rattle before striking). Basic obedience training is absolutely essential, so your dog responds quickly to your commands in any dangerous situation. Reach out today for more information about having a safe and fun time with your dog in the Arizona wilderness.